Our proposal was always to change the whole world of construction


We are a company that offers global and integrated solutions capable of imagining, designing and building highly automated (home automation) and autonomous buildings and infrastructures, which integrate into their environments, consume less energy while creating an ideal living environment for users with a low carbon footprint.

We are a company that adapts its products and services to the new challenges of real estate. By building more sustainably, by facilitating the interconnectivity of people, structures and objects, we create places where it is good to live and work.

We are above all a team of men and women committed to building for life

Our Mission

We plan to build intelligent and autonomous buildings for life.
Building for life, building the city of tomorrow much more intelligent, autonomous and offering their users ideal conditions to live and work in an optimal way, consuming less energy while preserving nature as much as possible is our mission.
Structures with unique, intelligent, connected architecture that preserve and enhance the beauty of your living space, with more and more light while respecting your expectations and instructions are the promise we make to you with each contract.

Completed projects


Qualified architects

Global recognition

Our Values


At smart building, safety is a top priority: whether it is the safety of our employees, our partners, our customers or our customers’ customers. The safety culture is embedded in our business processes and everyone looks out for each other.

We are committed to listening to and respecting our clients’ requirements and to involving them throughout the project, because it is through co-construction that we achieve ambitious results. We also apply methodological approaches that enable us to gather our clients’ wishes and inform them with sincerity, integrity and honesty about the smooth running of the operation during all phases of the project.

The client at the heart of the project: transparency and co-construction

Innovating and protecting the environment

Innovation est notre plus grand atout.
Nous pensons qu’il est possible de réduire les conséquences négatives d’une construction sur l’environnement et c’est pour cela que nous optons pour une architecture et des constructions durable grâce à notre vision globale qui prend en compte les aspects économiques, environnementaux et sociaux. C’est pour cela que nous développons les concepts de smart Energy, smart building et d’urbanisme durable afin d’optimiser le rendement énergétique du bâtiment, le rendre plus intelligent et autonome énergétiquement ce qui permettra de créer un cadre de vie qui facilite le quotidien de ses usagers.

We are committed to using local producers and resources in all our projects.
Choosing smart building for your projects means stimulating the local economy.

Contributing to the local economy


We are now experiencing the acceleration of many changes in our living environment. The almost systematic inclusion of digital technology in our daily lives, the transformation of the world at V speed, the deteriorating quality of human life due to a climate crisis attributed in part to infrastructures that over-consume natural resources. These are reasons that call on us to think about solutions for modernising/digitalising practices. Innovation is now the driving force in the building sector to meet present and future requirements. By exploring the latest digital technologies, such as Big data, artificial intelligence, robotics, the Internet of Things, augmented reality or 3D printing, the entire life cycle of building construction and operation is improved. Smart building Sarl offers you future-oriented 4.0 constructions.

See how we work with our clients

This is how we start each job we carry out, always complying with a series of protocols, both safety and health.

Meat the team